Winner interview Erik Gatenholm, Bico Group – CEO’S ON TWITTER, MID CAP

Winner interview Erik Gatenholm, Bico Group – CEO’S ON TWITTER, MID CAP

As tradition dictates, we end our annual survey and rank of the twittering CEOs with interviews with the winners. We present the interviews in the different categories included in the study, with contributions from Large Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap, First North Growth Market, Nordic Growth Market (NGM), and Spotlight Stock Market.

Why map tweeting CEOs?


Since the start of Box Communications over 10 years ago, when the digital transformation was still in its infancy, we have followed how the new digital channels affect the communication of listed companies. With long experience from the financial industry, we could see that the listed companies and their CEOs live in a new exciting, and the somewhat unsafe environment when information is spread faster and faster to virtually all stakeholders at the same time.


The ongoing pandemic, which will hopefully be over soon, has further accelerated the digital transition. As more and more people get used to communicating digitally, whether it is via audio, video, film, or text, the pressure will increase on companies not only to be digital internally but to incorporate it into all communication as well. And to get quick internal acceptance and a significant external impact, the management must show the way, and Twitter can act as a starting point.


As we recently wrote in the text "The digital CEO shows the way into the future" (in Swedish) it will become increasingly important with authentic and genuine communication to break through the noise, and who is better suited to act as the company's influencer than its CEO?


We do this survey to highlight good role models who can hopefully be an inspiration for others to follow.

The Motivation - Winner Mid Cap

Erik Gatenholm (@egatenholm), Bico Group

It's the newcomers' year on the Mid Cap list this year. That there would be a change on the throne was clear when last year's winner Klaus-Anders Nysteen recently had to leave his job as CEO of Hoist Finance. In first place this year we have Erik Gatenholm from Bico Group, who last year led an anonymous existence on First North but with the move to the main list has blossomed as a twitterer, which was enough for a first place. Follow Erik (link above) for exciting insights on developments in "bio convergence". Good job, and congratulations on the first place!

1) Can you briefly tell us about yourself and the company you are CEO of?

After moving from the USA to Sweden, I founded Bico Group together with Héctor Martínez and Gusten Danielsson in 2016. Today, a little more than five years later, the company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, is a world leader in bio convergence, and has over 800 employees in 10 different subsidiaries within the group. We help our customers and researchers to create the medicine of the future.


2) How did you get started with Twitter?

I have been tweeting since 2013 and have always thought it was a good platform. So, when we founded Bico Group and I became CEO, it was natural to continue to communicate via Twitter and spread the word about Bico Group. Therefore I see it as an excellent channel.


3) What was your biggest challenge?

Finding the time.


4) Do you see any business benefits?

I see it as an excellent channel to convey what Bico Group stands for and share parts of my everyday life. I also see opportunities to tell more about bio convergence and the fantastic development in this area that we make possible together with our customers.


5) disadvantages?

I think it's about finding a good balance - my focus is Bico Group and my role as CEO. I believe my followers appreciate the mix in the content I share.


6) How much dialogue do you have with their followers?

I have the most dialogue in connection with the Q&A that we usually arrange after publishing our reports. It is generally appreciated and always fun to interact with people who are interested in Bico Group.


7) How do you think the climate on Twitter is?

I think it's all right. It is a platform for opinions; you should be aware of that.


8) How much time do you spend on your tweeting?

I stay updated daily about what is being said about Bico Group and what is happening in the industry. It's an effective way to keep me updated.


9) What are your best tips for the CEO who has not yet gotten started or just made a few small attempts?

Start by finding relevant and engaging individuals to follow. Share information that you think is interesting and relevant to your followers. You have to dare to try it out to see what works!


If you have any questions or want more information, please contact:


/Mikael Zillén, Vd & Senior Rådgivare
+46 762 13 00 40 | mikael.zillen (@)
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