Winner interview Ola Rollén, Hexagon – CEO’s on Twitter, Large Cap
As tradition dictates, we end our annual survey and rank of the twittering CEOs with interviews with the winners. We present the interviews in the different categories included in the study, with contributions from Large Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap, Nordic Growth Market (NGM), and Spotlight Stock Market.
Why map tweeting CEOs?
Since the start of Box Communications 10 years ago, when the digital transformation was still in its infancy, we have followed how the new digital channels affect the companies' communication. With long experience from the financial industry, we could see that the listed companies in particular and their CEOs live in a new exciting, and somewhat unsafe environment when information is spread faster and faster to virtually all stakeholders at the same time.
Many believe that the pandemic we are currently experiencing has further accelerated the digital transition. As more and more people get used to communicating digitally, whether it is via audio, video, film, or text, the pressure will increase on companies not only to be digital internally but to incorporate it into all communication as well. And to get quick internal acceptance and a significant external impact, the management must show the way, and Twitter can act as a starting point.
We do this survey to highlight good role models who can hopefully be an inspiration for others to follow.
The Motivation - Winner Large Cap

Ola Rollén (@OlaRollen), Hexagon AB
Ola Rollén was the top name already in 2016 when the total number of tweeting CEOs amounted to 13. Ola has remained steady over the years since then, and he has found an outstanding balance between the personal and the professional. All in all, this means that Ola climbed a position from last year and pinches first place.
Winner interview - Ola Rollén
1. In connection with the corona pandemic, digital communication has reached entirely new levels, how has it affected your internal and external communication work?
Since we are geographically dispersed, our internal communication has been digital for about ten years now with video information and question time with all (English-speaking) employees every quarter. In connection with Corona, all our internal and external meetings have gone digital. My daughter has helped me record the quarterly video from home as we have had "lockdown" since March. It is fantastic how you can continue the communication even though we have been isolated at home.
2. We use Twitter as a starting point for our survey, but which other channels do you use, and which ones work best?
In business, we use Zoom and Teams. In internal projects, we use Slack and Teams. Externally, I think Twitter is useful professionally while Instagram and TikTok are most fun privately.
3. Social media, not least Twitter, is often criticized for spreading threats and hatred. As a tweeting CEO, is this something you recognize?
Absolutely. You have to take the negative with the positive - you are approachable, and everyone has a voice.
4. Today, about 15% of the stock exchange's CEOs are on Twitter. From your perspective, should there be more, and if so, why?
It depends a little on what kind of company you are CEO of. We are a global technology company with an open-minded culture. For me, it is evident that our employees should be able to contact me in a neutral forum such as Twitter - without involving direct managers and human resources departments. You quite rarely get to know the whole truth as the top manager in an organization - so Twitter is unique.
5. Five years ago, to the question of how important it is for CEOs to be digital role models for the organization, you answered: "Depends a little on the industry, but in 5-10 years it will be mandatory". Now, five years later, what does the answer look like today?
I stand by what I said then. Wait until 2025 to see!
Any reflections you want to add?
Social media has democratized society. It's not just traditional media channels that matter - everyone can be heard for better or worse. We now see it every day! In addition, you can now build a global company or your career by using social media as a marketing channel - it's incredible! If you have an idea, it does not cost much to reach out to the world. Twenty years ago, you had to build an expensive sales organization in all the countries you wanted to sell.
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