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Looking for a local Swedish communications partner?

Look no further!

For the past 10 years, Box Communications has offered an extensive range of communications services in Sweden and the Nordics, with assistance from a network of well-renowned agencies.

We provide services spanning from single projects such as being a local spokesperson in a cross-border deal or helping with the launch of a new product or service to acting as a local communications department working on an ongoing basis.

We are result oriented with a clear understanding of our customers’ communications and business objectives – we provide work that has real business value for our clients.

Our clients are both Swedish and international companies and organizations, ranging from startups to multinationals.

How can we help you?

We can help you with advice and services in the following areas:
strategisk kommunikation, Almedalen, kris, Managementkommunikation, managementprofilering
Strategic Communications
Medierelationer, debattartiklar, pressmeddelanden, nyhetsinventering, medieträning
Media Relations
Content marketing, bloggar, nyhetsbrev, podcast, nyhetsbrev
Film & Photo
Investor Relations, IR, börsnoteringar, finansiell PR, perceptionsstudier
Investor Relations
Digital Kommunikation, sociala medier, analys, datadriven, digitalt ledarskap
Social Media & Content Marketing
Kundevent, produktlanseringar, Mässor, Konferenser, seminarium, Kick off
Meetings & Events
Want to know more? Let’s get in touch!
Call us:

+46 8 21 41 00


+46 762 13 00 40 (Mikael)


Jaktvarsplan 3

112 36 Stockholm

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