How do you build a digital fanbase?
As information becomes more “levelized” a shift of power towards the customers/consumers is inevitable. This puts pressure on companies to adapt a different mindset in order to digitally build and maintain a loyal fanbase (of customers).
The illustration above is of course a very simplified way to describe how a community of fans is established and expanded. However, the first step is to identify your potential fanbase, and where you can find them. Before you can do anything you must earn their trust, which can’t be achieved by a one way communication approach. Then it is time to activate, motivate and collaborate, which if done correctly will grow your fan community. Even if you find great ambassadors at your first try, this must be a continuous and ongoing process if you want to reach your full community potential.
A more “levelized“ playing field between corporations and their customers also means that the process needs to be relevant for each community. What you put in to the different boxes can’t be a standardized work flow, you will need to work with each box in a more trial and error mode navigating towards reaching the best results.
What would you like to add to the illustration?
/Mikael Zillén, @mikaelzillen
Senior Advisor & Digital Specialist
+46 762 13 00 40 | mikael.zillen (@)
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