Macro environment pose the largest IR challenge for 2012 according to listed companies

Macro environment pose the largest IR challenge for 2012 according to listed companies

Our annual IR survey, which was conducted during November and December, shows that handling the macro and stock market turbulence is the largest IR challenge for 2012. The number of companies that participated in the survey doubled from 2010, which is a clear sign that there is a large interest from listed companies to discuss matters concerning investor relations.

A total of 120 listed companies answered the survey, which corresponds to a 22 percent response rate. Of companies listed on NASDAQ OMX Main Market over one third responded and over half of the Large Cap companies participated. In addition to IR challenges for 2012 the respondents answered, among other things, questions about whether their companies give quantifiable guidance, measure their IR efforts and how they work to reach foreign investors.

Some other conclusions from the survey:
•    Social media ranks as the least important IR activity while one-on-ones, report presentations and road shows are top ranked.
•    Investor targeting, a structured and determined way to communicate with specific groups of investors, becomes more important in order to raise the efficiency of the IR effort as well as achieving the desired ownership structure.


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