Winner interview Roberto García Martínez, Eurobattery Minerals – CEO’S ON TWITTER, NGM
As tradition dictates, we end our annual survey and rank of the twittering CEOs with interviews with the winners. We present the interviews in the different categories included in the study, with contributions from Large Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap, First North Growth Market, Nordic Growth Market (NGM), and Spotlight Stock Market.
Why map tweeting CEOs?
Since the start of Box Communications over 10 years ago, when the digital transformation was still in its infancy, we have followed how the new digital channels affect the communication of listed companies. With long experience from the financial industry, we could see that the listed companies and their CEOs live in a new exciting, and the somewhat unsafe environment when information is spread faster and faster to virtually all stakeholders at the same time.
The ongoing pandemic, which will hopefully be over soon, has further accelerated the digital transition. As more and more people get used to communicating digitally, whether it is via audio, video, film, or text, the pressure will increase on companies not only to be digital internally but to incorporate it into all communication as well. And to get quick internal acceptance and a significant external impact, the management must show the way, and Twitter can act as a starting point.
As we recently wrote in the text "The digital CEO shows the way into the future" (in Swedish) it will become increasingly important with authentic and genuine communication to break through the noise, and who is better suited to act as the company's influencer than its CEO?
We do this survey to highlight good role models who can hopefully be an inspiration for others to follow.
The Motivation - Winner NGM

Roberto García Martínez (@Roberto_GarMar), Eurobattery Minerals
The commitment among the CEOs at NGM has been a bit so and so in recent years; the list has really only had two participants who have been altering at the top spot. This year it finally heated up. It is an even field where Roberto García Martínez from Eurobattery Minerals pulled the longest straw and where Henrik Nyström from Star Vault finished second. Roberto García writes about the electric revolution and the battery mineral, areas with an exciting future. We say congratulations!
1) Can you briefly tell us about yourself and the company you are CEO of?
I’m the CEO of Eurobattery Minerals, a Swedish mining company with the vision to help Europe become self-sufficient in sustainable battery minerals.
2) How did you get started with Twitter?
I wanted a platform where I could share snapshots from my life and be more personal compared with our corporate account. I’ve only been on Twitter since autumn 2020 but I'm already a big fan!
3) What was your biggest challenge?
I have a really relaxed attitude towards Twitter, I do this as a good complement to our other communication channels. But as always, finding the time is challenging! If you want to be big on Twitter, you need to put a lot of effort into it.
4) Do you see any business benefits?
Yes. It is great to communicate on a personal level with the followers and shareholders. I can give them insights and news and can intensify the relationship. This is good for our business.
5) disadvantages?
With all the news that are flying around Twitter and the challenge of attention it is sometimes a bit hard to see the qualitative ones and to be seen by others.
6) How much dialogue do you have with your followers?
I am actually always in touch with my followers. If they have questions or want to comment on my posting I am happy to engage with them.
7) How do you think the climate on Twitter is?
For me I can say the climate on Twitter is really positive. I get great feedback and people are happy to see what I am doing with my company Eurobattery Minerals.
8) How much time do you spend on your tweeting?
This depends on the news. I only post relevant things.
9) What are your best tips for the CEO who has not yet gotten started or just made a few small attempts?
Being authentic with a healthy portion of self-irony is the key to a reach out to your audience!
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