Winner interview 2019, Large Cap – Johan Dennelind, Telia Company
Just like last year, our annual survey on CEOs of listed companies on Twitter, or bosses on Twitter as someone put it, is finished off with interviews with the winners.
Previously, we have published all the interviews together, but this year will be a little different. The reason for this is that we have broadened the scope of our research, in addition to companies listed on Nasdaq Stockholm's main list, we have also included companies on First North, NGM and Spotlight.
Why map CEOs on Twitter?
Ever since the start of Box Communications almost 10 years ago, when the digital transformation was still in its infancy, we have followed how new digital channels impact how companies communicate. With broad experience from the financial industry, we could see that, the listed companies and their CEOs exist in an extra interesting and exposed environment when information is spread faster and faster to virtually all stakeholders at the same time.
There are, of course, risks of venturing into the social channels, but the opportunities are enormous and, in our opinion, not being digital is a far greater risk that in the long run can negatively affect the overall business performance. Or, as Daniel Daboczy, CEO of Fundedbyme, says in his interview "companies that are not social will slip behind, both externally and internally."
We conduct this survey to highlight good role models that hopefully can be an inspiration for others to notice and follow. Our ambition is to organize a seminar, hopefully with some of the winners, to be able to discuss both positive and negative experiences on a deeper level. More on this to follow.
Justification - winner Large Cap
Johan Dennelind (@jdennelind), Telia Company AB
Johan is back on the throne as Sweden's best Large Cap company CEO on Twitter. Navigating a large company during a major transformation and at the same time finding time to be present in digital channels is a sign of what a digital role model should look like. By being both personal and writing about the company and the industry, Johan gives his followers a good insight into the world of Telia Company. This is definitely worth the top position of the year. We congratulate Johan on this year's top-ranking!
Winner interview - Johan Dennelind
1) What are the most positive aspects of being a CEO on Twitter in 2019?
The engagement and involvement it contributes to among customers, employees and other key stakeholders.
2) What are the negative aspects?
That if offers a platform for negative comments and hatred. Although all media channels have negative sides, the accessibility and directness of social media make the comments more blatant there. If you are aware of it, then you can handle it though.
3) Many CEOs see the regulatory framework MAR as an excuse for not communicating via Twitter. How has it affected your Twitter activities?
Not very much. Most of the things that create engagement and participation are not covered by that kind of regulations. I mainly tweet about topics and phenomenon such as corporate culture, digitalization, sustainability, and leadership. I don’t tweet about things that could influence the share price.
4) Accessibility is another issue that concerns many, what’s your view on that?
I think it is about finding your level. Over time I think I’ve done that and found a level that suits me based on my circumstances.
5) What kind of posts do you get the most reactions to?
Posts that include good pictures of engaged people.
6) Finally, if a CEO is thinking about starting to tweet, do you have any good advice on how to get started?
Be yourself as much as you can. Don’t tweet just to tweet but do it in a way that suits you. Then it will be a good complement to other communication efforts with customers, colleagues and other stakeholders.
7) Any other thoughts about your use of Twitter?
I use Twitter a lot for trends and news coverage. As CEO of Telia, a communications company that has a key role in digitalization, it feels very natural for me to tweet. I have made some good offline contacts and discussions that are important to us.
Links to all interviews with the winners:
Interview with Johan Dennelind, Telia Company
Interview with Klaus-Anders Nysteen, Hoist Finance
Interview with Christian Kinch, Bactiguard
Interview with Anders Fogelberg, FlexQube
Interview with Daniel Daboczy, FundedByMe
If you have any questions, please contact:
/Mikael Zillén, CEO & Senior Advisor
+46 762 13 00 40 | mikael.zillen (@)
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